Part 35 String Join()

String Join() : string join() method is concatenate all the string . i.e combine string elements from an array into a new single string.

String.Join() total five overloaded Join() method.

  • String.Join(String, Obj [ ])
  • String.Join(String, string [ ])
  • String.Join(String, string [ ], int Index, int Index1)
  • String.Join(String, IEnumerable<String>)
  • String.Join<T>(String, IEnumerable<T>)
1. String.Join(String, Obj [ ]) 

string join() method is used concatenate the string using to object[], number of element in the array store in the Object[] and concatenate the string. 

class Program

            object[ ] source = new[ ]   { "CSharp", "Tutorial", "Point" };
            string s1 = string.Join("- ", source);
Output :
    2.   String.Join(String, string [ ])
    string join() method is used concatenate the string using to string[], number of element in the array store in the string[] and concatenate the string. 

     class Program


                string  [] array= { "CSharp", "Tutorial", "Point" };

                string  s1 = string.Join("-", array);



    Output :

    3.  String.Join(String, string [ ], int Index, int Index1)

    string join() method is used concatenate the string using to string[], number of element in the array store in the string[] and String array the index positions with the help of a user-defined separator between each element of the array. 

    class Program
                string[] array = {"Chandan","csharp", "tutorial", "point", "blogspot"  };
                // from index 1 and covers upto 4  
                // elements from index 2 
                string s1 = string.Join("-", array, 1, 4);
    Output :

    4.  String.Join(String, IEnumerable<String>)

     class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                List<string> data = Additems();  
                string str1 = string.Join("-", data);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Are you learning from " + str1);
            private static List<string> Additems()
                List<string> learn = new List<string>();
                return learn;

    Output :
    Are you learning from csharp-tutorial-point-blogspot-com

    5.  String.Join<T>(String, IEnumerable<T>)

    This method is used to concatenate the constructed collection of any user defined data type.

     public  class tutorial
            public string tutorialwebsite;
            // constructor to hold the  
            // string values of item class 
            public tutorial(string name1)
                tutorialwebsite = name1;

            public override string ToString()
                return this.tutorialwebsite;

       class Program
                // passing the list of objects 
                List<tutorial> data = Additems();  
                string str1 = string.Join("-", data);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Are you learning from " + str1);
            private static List<tutorial> Additems()
                // adding the objects of item  
                List<tutorial> learn = new List<tutorial>();
                learn.Add(new tutorial("csharp"));
                learn.Add(new tutorial("tutorial"));
                learn.Add(new tutorial("point"));
                learn.Add(new tutorial("blogspot"));
                learn.Add(new tutorial("com"));
                return learn;

    Output :

    Are you learning from csharp-tutorial-point-blogspot-com