Part 29. String Compare

String comparison is a common programming task, .Net provides several way to compare two String in C#. we will see different ways to compare two String in C#.
compare String and when to use equals() ,compare or compareTo() for comparison etc.

compare() :

compare method is used to compare the first string to another string. if the string value are same 0 and if string are not equal is return 1 else it return -1.

class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string s1 = "csharptutorialpoint";
            string s2 = "chandan";
            string s3 = "csharptutorialpoint";
            Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(s1, s2));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(s2, s3));



compareTo() :
 CompareTo() method is used compare the object and its return integer value. the value of the specified object.
  • Zero Value (0) - Both objects are equal.
  • Negative Value (-1) - An object is smaller than passing an object in lexical order.
  • Positive Value (1) - Calling object is greater than passing object in lexical order.

class  Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int s1 = 10;
            int s2 =20;
            int s3 = 4;
            int s4 = 4;



class Program

          static void Main(string[] args)
            String  s1 = "csharptutorialpoint";
            String  s2 = "chandan";
            String  s3 = "csharptutorialpoint";

class Program
        String learn = "";
        String csharp = "";
        // String compare example using equals
        if (learn.Equals(csharp))
            Console.WriteLine("Same from Equals");
        // String compare using compareTo
        if (learn.CompareTo(csharp) == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Same From CompareTo");

Output :
Same from Equals
Same From CompareTo