Part-14 Datatype conversions/Typecasting 

we will discuss

1. Implicit conversions

2. Explicit Conversions

3. Parse() and TryParse()

Data TypeData Type casting is when you assign a value of one data type and convert to another data type/Type Casting is called Data Type.

Typecasting is divided into two parts.

  1. Implicit  Conversion
  2.  Explicit Conversion

Implicit Conversions : Iimplicit conversion when a smaller data type is converted into a larger data type .

Ex:-     int   i  = 24;
            long  j = i;

char -> int -> long -> float -> double  

class ImplicitConvert
    public static void main(String[] args)
     int i = 57; 
  // automatic type conversion 
  long l = i;  
  // automatic type conversion 
  float f = l; 
  Console.WriteLine("Int value "  +i);
  Console.WriteLine("Long value "  +l); 
  Console.WriteLine("Float value "  +f);

Explicit Type Casting :

Explicit type casting is convert higher data type to lower data type is called Explicit type casting.

double  -> float -> long -> int -> char
class ExplicitConvert
public static void main(String[] args)
double d = 765.12;
// Explicit Type Casting
int i = (int);
// Display Result
Console.WriteLine("Value of i is " +i);


Int.Parse(string str) method converts the string to integer
Let’s try to understand with a simple example as shown in below.
       string val = "24";
       int  value = int.Parse(val);

In this case the string val, would be converted into integer without any error or exception; and that is what is intended with int.Parse() method.
  1. If string 'str' is null, then it will throw 'ArgumentNullException'
              string str = null;
              int value = int.Parse (str);

      2 .If string 'str' is other than integer value, then it will throw 'FormatException' 

              string str = "101.1";
              int value = int.Parse (str);

     3. If string 'str' represents out of integer ranges, then it will throw 'OverflowException'

Example:-  string str = "9999999999999999999";

              int value = int.Parse (str);
Int.TryParse contain two arguments first is string and another is int(out type). If the input string is integer it returns 2nd arguments(out type int). Else it returns first argument(string).

class Program

    public static void main(String[] args)
bool res;
int val;
string str = "12";
res = int.TryParse(str, out val);
Console.WriteLine("Value of i is " +res);
Value of i is True